The Tardis door will be locked as quick as you get in now(come on! Cops!)ġ. The vision will be shaking a little bit if you are flying the Tardis(that's how the Doctor fly it)Ĩ.
you can press 2 and 8 to fly the Tardis forward now:)ħ. After teleport, a Dalek will appear(1/3 percent) and exterminate you!(and you can never kill it,WOHAHA)Ħ. press 6 to lock a car(the doors of car will automatically close) with real animation and press 4 to unlock(the door of car will automatically open and the driver will run away) when CJ is holding a screwdriver(pppddssss!)ĥ. you will get a sonic screwdriver if you go into the Tardis(Timy-Wimy!)Ĥ. press 5 to teleport at a random place when cj is flying the Tardis and the time will advance 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 hours and wanted level will become 0(of course, Tardis never teleport Doctor to the place he want to go)ģ. press 1 and 9 cj will put out his phone and call for the Tardis with her real landing effect and lights(Time and relative Dimensions in Space!)Ģ.